Trinidad Carnival 2020: Fete Reviews
5 Days. 7 Fetes. 1 Carnival.
It’s fete review time! Remember: these are my personal opinions on the fetes I attended while I was at Trinidad Carnival. I hope they give you an idea of what you may expect as you think about your fete lists in the future.
Let me know your experiences if you attended these fetes as well!
The Agenda
Sunrise Breakfast Party
Karukera One Love Festival
MC Boat Experience
Soaka Street Festival
Candy Coated Cruise
Sunrise Breakfast Party
Type: All Inclusive
Average Price: From $130 - $200
Location: Green Meadows, Santa Cruz
Timing: 4am — 12pm
The Best of it: To be completely honest, it is tough to give a thorough review of Sunrise because I arrived at the fete so late. My flight landed early that morning and by the time we dropped off our things, showered and got ready and arrived at the fete (due to the slowest driver everrrr), it was about 10am.
Although we missed several food options (from fried chicken to doubles to curry goat), I was still able to have a hearty meal: white rice, jerk pork, liver, roast breadfruit, saltfish. and pasta.
The music was great as usual, with a majority dose of current soca hits and a some dancehall. I know some people dislike this genre mix but I love it because it’s a Jamaican party, and because it gets you out of the repetitive soca trance for a few moments.
Drinks were easy to get, though I stuck with mimosas and screwdrivers for most of the day. I liked that there was a bar at tne entrance after we picked up our cups. Because we came so late, it was the perfect wake-me-up we needed after a red eye flight.
The fete extended past its end time so that was a major plus for us latecomers. It ended at around 1pm.
The Worst of it: Don’t go late!! We missed out on several things — the cute parasols, the ice cream bar, the glam station. We caught the tail end of Iwer George’s performance, but we missed some other artists.
This is the 3rd Sunrise Breakfast Party in Trinidad and each time has been at a different location. I enjoy the variety because it allows me to explore different parts of Trinidad. This new venue was another expansive, grassy area, but somehow it felt smaller and thus more congested than previous venues. Perhaps they chose this to avoid Chaguaramas, but I far prefer last year’s venue and overall setup better, and hope it returns there in 2021.
Will I Go Back: Yes. Even with the delayed arrival, the fete delivered for the 3 hours I was there. Imagine if I had been there the entire time!
Rating: 4/5
Karukera One Love Festival
Type: All Inclusive
Average Price: From $80 - $130
Location: Maracas Beach
Timing: 1pm — 9pm
The Best of it: This is another fete where I cannot give a completely fair review. After a long afternoon having to pickup my Soaka package, Monday wear AND costume, we ended up getting to Maracas extremely late — pretty much in time for the tail end of DJ Puffy’s set and to watch Machel Montano’s performance. That was the best part of my experience. I thought I would be bored as I have seen him perform many times, but he knows how to deliver a good show.
The Worst of it: I walked into the event amidst the bad press leading up to it, and was curious about how it was going to turn out. Several things were very off-putting for me.
It may be because we arrived late - they weren’t even scanning tickets anymore. This is a huge no-no for me. Not only does this make me feel as though I wasted my money, but it also shows me that the security is lackadaisical.
There were too many underage kids! I am not talking about under 21, I am talking about under 18! I saw children in their early teens being served alcohol and dancing on adult women. It was very uncomfortable and really not my scene at all.
The food situation was awful. Having arrived late, we knew we would miss some, if not all, of the food. One station was open — tacos. Not my favourite but I was ready to manage because hunger. The line was obviously long. The issue was that the food attendants were only serving their “friends”or people they recognized. The line moved an inch every 10 minutes and it was not until I went to the front to inquire “WTF!” that I noticed the injustice at play. I had to get aggressive and raise my voice to be taken seriously. This is unacceptable.
Drinks ran out shortly after we arrived — I was able to get some Johnnie Walker but when I went to get some more 15 minutes later, it was all done.
Will I Go Back: Nope!
Rating: 2.5/5
Type: Drinks Inclusive
Average Price: $60 - $75
Location: Meetup at Mucurapo West Secondary School
Timing: 2am — 8am
The Best of it: The water hoses! Frankly, this j’ouvert fete was pretty much a DUB to me the entire time and only got saved when the water came out towards the end. There was a lot of water, and it invigorated the energy of the crowd because prior to, it was overall boring with some litty moments.
Another positive thing: getting a drink on the road was actually not bad, so I am grateful for that.
The music was good, but I was ready to head out by 6:30am. However, I did stay until the end.
The Worst of it: When I have time to tweet during a fete, you know it is a big fail for me. Pandemonium was really not worth my time — I should have had a good night’s rest or…
We thought we arrived there late at around 4:30am; we were even worried we would have to figure out where to catch the trucks because we assumed they would have left already! NOPE - there was no sign of movement when we arrived. We got glow sticks but no paint or powder. The struggle it was to get drinks as we waited was another debacle, and the bartenders ran out of cups at some point that morning. They did get more, but it was all so poorly organized.
When we finally headed out on the road at around 5:30am, the enthusiasm I had for this fete had waned. It dwindled further when I realized I was not going to receive paint had I not picked it up inside… the unlabelled location with zero instruction 😑 There were no signs and there was no one handing them out. The paint itself that I saw from the few who received a bottle was ridiculously watered down with no pigmentation whatsoever. I left as clean as I arrived, and it was not due to the water.
Will I Go Back: No.
Rating: 2/5
MC Boat Experience
Type: Cooler Boat Ride
Average Price: $75
Location: Top Cat Cruise, Black Jack Marina, Chaguaramas
Timing: 2pm — 7pm
The Best of it: This was one of my favorite fetes hands down. I did not know what to expect from this inaugural cruise in Trinidad, so I went in with few expectations. I figured I would try something new and enjoy a little boat lyme with friends. This intimate cruise turned out to be everything and more.
The music was stellar with DJs Jel and Watty on the turntables and Major Penny, the hype man I never knew I needed. They maintained the energy and spun amazing tunes from start to finish, spanning soca from across the Caribbean, not just the top 20 songs in Trinidad & Tobago. I felt like I was back in St. Lucia and Grenada again during some moments.
The Punchy Punch shots upon arrival and throughout the fete were the perfect kickoff to this cruise. The complimentary KFC was needed after a long day in the sun, and even more food was given to us when we arrived at the water park area.
Speaking of the water park — craaaaaazy!! It was like a jungle gym, obstacle course out of the TV show, “Wipeout”. People were in line to try to beat the obstacles. I didn’t even try - I knew I would crash and burn when I couldn’t even climb onto the first obstacle. The music was blasting from the boat, people were competing (in good fun) and swimming and sunbathing. It was a fun time.
The party turned up on the boat at dusk on our return to shore. There was a lot of rocking and jumping going on. Everyone was letting loose and having a blast. I was on the upper deck, but I assume it was the same below.
The Worst of it: The only negative was that we left just over an hour late. I have never been on a boat fete that leaves on time though, but ironically, their prior insistence that we would made it more noticeable.
Will I Go Back: Yes, I would definitely consider it again!
Rating: 4.5/5
Soaka Street Festival
Type: Food inclusive, Cooler Fete
Average Price: $80 - $90
Location: Serpentine Road, St. Clair
Timing: 4am — 9am
The Best of it: E V E R Y T H I N G.
Point blank.
But for your sake, I will continue.
We walked in at around 6am and there was a burst of energy right away! We did have a slight interruption at the entrance because he had to transfer our liquor into plastic bottles (don’t forgot about this important rule in Trinidad). Our wristbands were scanned, identities were confirmed (you had to upload a picture of yourself when you purchased your ticket) and we were given bottles of powder. We were ready.
First thing’s first: food. We headed straight to the several food tents all around. My eye immediately spotted the Suya tent…WHAT THE…my heart was shook and happy at the same time. Joy had cometh in the morning. That is where I went of course, and all I ate.
Kes gave us a string of his hits and was joined by Iwer George for “Stage Gone Bad”…..the perfect crescendo to any fete during the 2020 Trinidad Carnival season.
We moved closer to the front in order to get the full WET experience, and let me tell you, I could barely sing “Can you feel the…” before I was doused. Tell me how they caught me with my eyes wide open and my contacts almost fell out. THAT would have been tragic because I am practically blind. Note to self: wear goggles/secure sunglasses. Drinks were hitting, powder was everywhere, water was everywhere, bodies were slipping and sliding. Also, we found the rest of the black people so LEVEL VIBES were on 100 throughout.
It was an amazing, amazing time. I think it was the best fete I have been to in the 3 years I have been to during Trinidad Carnival. I cannot imagine how the original Soaka Til Sunrise experience is if this is better. I must go. #SoakaIsABessFete
The Worst of it: Getting inside the club! Listen, getting approved to buy a ticket was stress! I must have requested my ticket at the right hour because I was approved within 24 hours. HOWEVER, it was definitely some “all my life I had to fight” shenanigans for the rest of my friends. Luckily, I knew someone who was able to help us all. Thank you xx
It required time, effort and supreme patience because it took about 3 months from request to approval LMAO.
Soaka utilized RFID wristbands for entry. Therefore, our online tickets had to be validated during wristband pickup - it was not done at the door. This was an additional pickup I honestly did not need with the busy schedule I already had. Luckily, it was very quick. Less than 5 minutes.
Will I Go Back: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS take my money immediately!
Rating: 6/5
Candy Coated Cruise
Type: All Inclusive Boat Ride
Average Price: $140
Location: Harbor Master
Review: Funny story, guys. I MISSED IT. Soaka knocked me out! Check out my 2019 review of Candy Coated Cruise. #SoakaIsABessFete.
Timing: 11am - 4pm
Type: All Inclusive
Average Price: $160 - $185
Location: UPick Farm, Chaguaramas
Timing: 4pm — 9pm
The Best of it: We arrived on the late side due to the immense traffic getting to the venue, but we were still able to take advantage of everything — the good food, drinks and desserts and the music. I found the energy of the DJ(s) and crowd way better this year. Perhaps it is because I was at the front of the stage. People were actually dancing and having a good time, and not just there to stand and pose.
The food was pretty good. Again, the crab & dumplings were to die for; I also had some pork, amazing shrimp pasta and some squid. I had a little more to eat but I don’t remember what they were. Clearly not memorable.
The best part about my experience was probably the champagne. I love champagne, so of course, I hovered over the Moet & Chandon bar through the night. Since it was the night before carnival, I wanted to keep it light with the alcohol, that was all I drank. I did not have any liquor. I was very impressed that the champagne did not run out. Talk about a truly premium fete.
The Worst of it: This is of no fault to the promoters but the traffic was truly absurd. Getting there was awful, and leaving after the event was over was a bigger nightmare. We were sitting ducks in traffic for over an hour.
The food was good but I didn’t think it was as good as last year. There were many options but only a few appealed to me, so I was disappointed about that.
Will I Go Back: Ehhhh, maybe. Like last year, I am not pressed to return.
Rating: 3/5
Already thinking of your 2021 fete list? What are your must-do fetes? Tell me below!